Cube World Omega

Posted on May 25th, 2023 11:24 AM EST
Wollay, the creator of the popular video game Cube World, has announced a new project dubbed "Cube World Omega". The new iteration of the game is being developed in the spirit of Cube World Alpha but promises a host of new features and upgrades​​.

One of the significant improvements is the introduction of a new graphics engine based on Vulkan. This engine will provide enhanced atmospheric elements like moving clouds, jiggling tree leaves, and water waves, along with dynamic weather effects such as rain and snow​1​.

The game also brings an innovative change in character and item creation through procedural models. Every character in the world, including players, NPCs, and pets, as well as in-game items like weapons and armor, will be uniquely generated by an algorithm, adding a new dimension of originality to the game​​.

Additionally, the GUI is set for a revamp, and the developer plans to reintroduce elements like experience, leveling, and skill trees to this version.

More information about Cube World Omega here :
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