Blog Feed en Thu, 25 May 2023 18:24 CEST is a Cube World servers list. Its goal is to provide an efficient way for players to find a server that suits their needs and also for servers owners to get more players on their servers. 60 Cube World Omega Thu, 25 May 2023 18:24 CEST
One of the significant improvements is the introduction of a new graphics engine based on Vulkan. This engine will provide enhanced atmospheric elements like moving clouds, jiggling tree leaves, and water waves, along with dynamic weather effects such as rain and snow​1​.

The game also brings an innovative change in character and item creation through procedural models. Every character in the world, including players, NPCs, and pets, as well as in-game items like weapons and armor, will be uniquely generated by an algorithm, adding a new dimension of originality to the game​​.

Additionally, the GUI is set for a revamp, and the developer plans to reintroduce elements like experience, leveling, and skill trees to this version.

More information about Cube World Omega here :]]>
Hosting Stable PvE Server With CUWO Sun, 30 Jul 2017 00:29 CEST
cuwo is an open server implementation for Cube World, written in Python and C++. For years, it was only possible to host PvP servers. But since few days, "matpow2" has finally found the solution, and now it is possible to host stable PvE servers. 

cuwo is available on

Servers running cuwo are available here :

  • Cross-platform support (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, what have you)
  • NPCs and mobs, just as in the regular server
  • File/console logging
  • MOTD message
  • Scripting (see the minimal example)
  • Advanced configuration
  • Ban system
  • Commands (/kick, /say, /whereis, /setclock, /kill, /stun. etc.)
  • Rights management (/login password)
  • IRC bot
  • PvP script
  • DDoS prevention
  • Lower CPU requirements than normal server
  • Optimizations in C++
  • ... and much more!
New Tweets From Wollay In 2017 Thu, 06 Apr 2017 02:10 CEST
New World Map Sat, 26 Nov 2016 23:53 CET

Currently changing and adding a lot of stuff in Cube World to improve exploration and questing. Here is screenshot of the new world map!

— Wolfram von Funck (@wol_lay) 25 novembre 2016 Does this mean we could hope for an update soon? This could be a nice Christmas gift, but we don't have much faith in that...]]> Switch To HTTPS Wed, 04 May 2016 17:06 CEST
Here are the most notable benefits of this change:

  • Improves global security of the server list
  • No more problem to use our embedded content on external websites that use also HTTPS
New Tweets From Wollay Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:27 CEST
Something Going On Cube World Planet Tue, 06 Oct 2015 17:21 CEST
Two days ago, Wollay uploaded a new Cube World song on his Soundcloud account. As he didn't posted anything about the game since June 2014, everyone started to get excited.

Yesterday, a complete guide to install and run Cube World on Linux was also posted on Reddit :

Finally, few hours ago, Wollay uploaded another Cube World song on Soundcloud.


Two Years Anniversary Fri, 24 Jul 2015 00:01 CEST
But we invite you to read the nice article about Cube World from Kotaku that might give you still some hope :]]>
Rumours of An Upcoming Release Thu, 16 Apr 2015 15:11 CEST
Two websites, not related, have published a very close release date for Cube World.

The first website,, show a release date for the second trimester 2015 for Cube World as you can see on the screenshot below :

The second website,, show a release date for July 2015 (two years after the last update) for Cube World :

Should we believe this? The problem is that Wollay did not post a single tweet about Cube World since June 2014.

But the good news is that the wait to be fixed about this will not be long. Cross your finger!!

Source :

January update for Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:50 CET

The Only Cube World Server List

While other Cube World server lists have disappeared or became inactive over the last months, we have continued our development and attracted lot of new members.

Cube World has not been updated for almost one and half year, and no confirmation that the game is still actively developed since months. But we still have faith and we will continue to support Cube World...

The Future

For the last months, we have mainly focused on "backstage" improvements. In 2015, we will focus on new features!

  • More server information and options
  • New dynamic banner sizes
  • New API options
  • New achievements
  • A very big new feature
  • Much more...
One Year Since Last Update Wed, 23 Jul 2014 23:59 CEST
Rendez vous in one year?]]>
A New Update Soon? Sun, 06 Jul 2014 18:04 CEST
Should we hope that an update might be released in few weeks? We do hope!! ]]>
News About The Quest System Wed, 23 Apr 2014 18:55 CEST

Last information about the quest system

  • Removing markers from the map, so players need to find the way themselves. But there will be signs.
  • Quest items will be put in a special inventory bag which is shared between players in multiplayer mode.
  • If you find an enemy with a '!', attack him and you'll get the quest! No need to find a quest giver first.
  • There won't be quest givers. The quests are just there and you need to discover them. However NPCs will give hints.

Wollay Twitter account :]]>
Cube World upcoming changes Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:27 CET

I'm currently reworking some aspects of Cube World to improve the game experience. I'm planning to include them in the next update, but I still need some time to test them. Here is an overview:

  • Maximum power is now scaled to 20 (from 100). Effectively, your strength won't be affected, just the numbers are scaled and items are available for a wider level range.
  • Each land now has a power level which determines the average power of creatures and dungeons. That way, players can choose difficulty by themselves.
  • The size of lands has been decreased. The average size is now 20x20 tiles (was 64x64). This enables players to explore new lands more quickly and also results in closer cities.
  • Naming and coloring of creatures and dungeons is now analog to items: For example, a blue "Undead +18" means that he has power level 18 and is likely to drop +18 items of blue quality. In contrast to before, players can now precisely see the power of creatures.
  • Dungeon missions aren't generated daily anymore and aren't adapted to the player level. Instead, players can see on the map if a dungeon has been cleared or not (indicated by a skull icon). A dungeon is cleared by defeating the boss and will remain empty for a couple of days.
  • I'm working on underworld caverns: The idea is to have a network of caverns below the overworld with secret entrances at the surface. The underworld will be inhabited by various monsters of varying power and will add another exploration factor to the game. Currently I'm experimenting with nice-looking entrances (it's tricky to get them right).

Besides that I'm working on a better forum/comments solution, but currently the next update has priority.

Cube World is still in development Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:41 CEST Cube World, has posted a good news about the game on Tweeter.
Don't be concerned, we're still working on Cube World. We just have a lot of additional work to do at the moment.

Source:]]> version 1.2 Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:59 CEST
Servers notifications
Discover this new service that will allow you to receive warning when your server goes offline:

Groups of servers
Do you have several Cube World servers? Now you can regroup them on a special dedicated page:
- View available groups:
- Manage your group(s):

Embedded vote buttons
If you want to make your players vote for your server, we have designed special vote buttons that you can easily add to your website. You will find them on the banners page of your server.

- Servers notifications
- Groups of servers
- Embedded vote buttons
- Hability to reply to a comment
- Hability to subscribe to comments of a server
- New security checks against fake/duplicated votes
- Lot of design updates
- Lot of bugfixes and performance enhancements]]>
New Cube World update Tue, 23 Jul 2013 18:48 CEST After 18 days without a single update, a new version of Cube World is finally available.

- Added an option to limit the frame rate (see options menu: FPS limit; default 111 fps)
- Ranger ability 'Scout's switftness' doesn't crash on multiplayer servers anymore
- Ranger ability 'Retreat' doesn't increase hang gliding speed anymore
- The crossbow's right mouse button ability now only does damage when charged
- You can now reset the day in inns only between 6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.
- Fixed a bug where multiplayer groups received too much XP for missions

New partners Tue, 16 Jul 2013 01:19 CEST

CubeWorld France is a french community -

International community and forum for CubeWorld. Find also the latest news, tips and tutorial -

Find all informations about Cube World on this wiki -

Find all our partners here:

About the players count Tue, 09 Jul 2013 18:12 CEST Why can't we see the number of players connected on a server?

Details about the query protocol of Cube World have not been published for the moment. But as soon as we have informations about it, we will finish the query script to be able to display the number of players connected on servers.
