Cube World's PvP Hub

Cube World's PvP Hub
Server Information
Hostname unnamed berld server
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 1 / 250
Location Canada
Version Alpha
Platform Linux
Map 56345
Registered by Newdii_
Registered since March 18th, 2020 12:25 AM EST
Last update February 20th, 2023 04:55 AM EST
Tag(s) Berld PvP

Discord Server

Vote(s) 1
Rank 1
Score 7
Favorited 7
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

General Information
Free XP - use /level 500
Free Legendary gear - use /gear
Warps and Teleportation - use /spawn and /warp
Balanced PvP
Teams and FFA (coming later)
Level Cap = 500
Rarity Cap = 4 (Yellow Gear)

1. No Hacking
-Health hacking/locking
-Mana hacking/locking
-Stamina hacking/locking
-Speed hacking
-Cooldown hacking
-Combat warping/teleporting

2. No Glitch Abusing
-Animation Glitching
-Bomb glitch
-Rogue Shuriken glitch
-Rogue 1 + 2 glitch (in a fight)
-Warrior Buffed M1 or cyclone glitch
-Ranger Retreat glider glitch [Outdated Client]
-Ranger M2 spam glitch [Outdated client]

3. Good Behaviour
-Be respectful
-No combat logging
-No item spamming
-No purposefully spamming chat
-No fire mage explosion spam
-No staff impersonation

More rules and information can be found on our discord